Wee Ball
Wee Ball Description:
Players ages 3 & 4. Using a “safety” ball and a T-ball batting tee, WeeBall focuses on introduction to team sports. WeeBall is parent-led and all players must have at least 1 parent with them on the field at all times. The end goal is to keep a group of toddlers focused on a series of finite actions that, when pulled together, are a ball game. 6 players are used on the field and all players bat. Games run approximately 30 minutes long. Playing season last 6 weeks, with one combined game/practice a week.

We’re excited that you are starting your baseball/softball journey with Oak Hill! Our goal for your player is to have a fun and positive introduction to the game.
Josh Hughes
Commissioner, Wee Ball
Frequently asked Wee Ball Questions
WeeBall uses the same age determination as Baseball — 4/30 of the upcoming year for Fall or the current year for Spring. This can cause issues if your player is a girl with a birthday in January – March. If you experience issues registering, please contact [email protected].
Games are played at the Oak Hill Youth Sports Association complex at 6301 Joe Tanner Lane, Austin 78749.
Wee ball games can begin as early 8AM on Saturday mornings. The total number of players registered and teams formed will inform the final schedule, which will not be sent until rosters are finalized.
We will meet for 6 official games lasting (1) hour with the time divided into 1/2 hour practices and games.
Please bring a glove, bat*, helmet, water bottle, and sunscreen.
*Bats can be shared if needed. It would be good to have your own bat to continue playing at home. The least expensive, or used bats are fin
Team jersey’s and hats are provided. The head coach may recommend sock and pant colors (usually grey or white.) We are not sticklers if the kids do not match.
It’s up for debate if how much cleats help this age group. Cleats are part of the experience though.
Both the league and the City of Austin require all volunteers that work with minor children submit and pass a background check. OHYSA provides a badge, armband, shirt or other official item to identify individuals that have met the requirement. Association dues partially offset the cost of this process.
Background checks and Association Dues are both CALENDAR YEAR. If you submitted and passed a background check in the Spring then credentials supplied by OHYSA are valid in the following Fall. If you submitted and passed a background check in the Fall then credential supplied by OHYSA are NOT valid in the following Spring and you will need to submit again for new credentials.
Yes. At least 1 parent or guardian is required to be present during practices and games and that parent should be actively participating with the players on the field. Parents should NEVER leave their child unattended at a practice/game.
If you know in advance that you will be relying on an adult who is NOT a parent listed with the player at that the time of registration, then that adult will need credentials to participate.
This requires an Association Membership which can be paid for at https://squareup.com/market/oak-hill-youth-sports-association and a background check submission at https://idcards.fullidentity.com/OakHillYouthSports/EmailVerify.aspx
Please remember that league officials are volunteers and may not have the time to process these as one-off situations. We encourage multiple parents to become a league member and obtain credentials and handling that at the beginning of a season saves everyone inconvenience later on.
No, every adult on the field or in the adult must have the verification provided by the league that they have passed a criminal background check.
It shall be the policy of the Baseball/Softball Program to provide awards to individual players for the recognition of participation and achievement of excellence in play during the regular season. These awards shall be distributed in then following manner:
All team members in the WeeBall, 6U and 8U Leagues shall receive a participation trophy.