New Season at Oak HIll!
March 5, 2021
The Board of OHYSA is aware that Austin-Travis County has dropped to Stage 4, and that state mandates regarding masks and occupancy limits will change beginning March 10. However, we will not be reverting from our current policy regarding mask wear and social distancing.
Masks should be always worn in our complex — this includes coaches, umpires, and all spectators. The sole exception is players during active warm-up or game participation. Please comply with any requests to mask up.
We will re-assess if our area drops to Stage 3, or we receive other directives from Austin Public Health or the city or county.
For a complete list of COVID-19 protocols, please visit our website at
We get it, we really do. We all have pets in our lives that we love and want to spend time with, but bringing then into unfamiliar situations with hundreds of strangers around isn’t the best time to bond with them.
Please leave your pets at home. This policy is for the safety of our players and our guests — you may know your animal, but that doesn’t mean everyone else does. This policy is posted on our website, on signage throughout the park, and is sent via email at the start of every season.
With the sole exception of ADA service animals, visitors with pets will be asked to take them home.
Ah, the parking problem. Yes, it’s a doozy.
Even with a smaller number of players this season we still have hundreds of cars vying for a limited amount of parking space. We wish we could magically increase parking, but we just can’t unfortunately. We know, we’ve tried.
Please don’t park where you shouldn’t. No parking signs, bollards, pylons and chains are there for a reason.
More importantly, don’t block in other cars and NEVER BLOCK THE ROADWAY.
If any part of your vehicle hangs over onto the road, you are blocking it. This includes both paved and gravel roads. If you are unfamiliar with what constitutes roadway at our complex, please refer to this map.
Why is this a problem? It blocks other vehicles from moving through the complex INCLUDING EMERGENCY VEHICLES that cannot quickly navigate due to injury or fire. And yes, that does happen. It happened in November in fact.
Plan ahead. Take one car instead of two. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
It’s a ballpark not a racetrack. We know some games start early, you’re running late, it doesn’t seem like a big deal. But it is.
We have kids, some of them very tiny, that run around the complex because they are kids and they don’t always pay attention.
It’s honestly not the end of the world if your player is 5 minutes late. Their coach will understand.
Which brings us to other types of wheels. We already know there are a lot of people, a lot of cars, too much speeding and not enough space. Please don’t add scooters, skateboard, bikes or rollerblades to the mix.
Leave play wheels at home.
As the season begins, let’s review our weather policy.
Our #1 concern will always be player safety.
On weekdays we make every attempt to call complex status by 4PM. However, storms often develop right around the time evening games start. While we try to make and relay decisions about weather conditions as quickly as possible, there will be times when practices or games will be canceled after you have already arrived at the complex.
For weekend rain we evaluate each field in the morning. Decisions may apply to the entire complex or can be made on a field-by-field basis, in some cases there may be game time decisions. Updates are posted on Facebook and sent via email.
There will be times when the weather doesn’t cooperate with us. In those instances, a Board Member or Commissioner on site may make a game time decision for play, or games may be interrupted.
If severe weather occurs Board Members or Commissioners on site will monitor the situation using a variety of radar and lightning tracking apps. If lightning apps alert on strikes within a 10 mile radius OR if lightning is visually observed OR if thunder claps are heard, activities will be halted for 30 minutes. Activities cannot resume for a full 30 minutes from the last clap of thunder, last bolt of lightning or indications that lightning has moved outside the 10 mile radius. This policy also applies to tornado warnings. If it is not possible to resume games due to continued weather or playing past curfew, the game will be suspended. Coaches cannot override decisions on delays made by league officials. If one field clears – ALL fields clear.
During these types of weather delays all players, coaches and spectators are advised to seek shelter in a safe, fully enclosed building (i.e. bathrooms) or vehicle. At no time should players remain on the field, in the dugout or in batting cages.