Oak Hill Youth Sports Association

Season Update

Season Update

April 2, 2020

To our OHYSA Community,

On Tuesday, March 31, Governor Abbott released further state-wide guidelines for social distancing in order to minimize social gathering and limit in-person contact with people not in the same household. This order extends previous restrictions through the end of April, and specifies that schools will be closed until May 4. Accordingly, OHYSA is also extending our season suspension until May 4.
OHYSA is committed to working on the best possible outcome for our players and their families. Even with the timeline of the current order we believe that continuing the season is viable, but also acknowledge that more changes at the local, state or federal level may make that impossible. The Board and Commissioners are considering all potential options, whether that may be a shortened season continuation or the possibility of season cancellation. 
We recognize that this may be vague and many – if not most – of our families would like something more concrete. However our mission at OHYSA is to provide young men and women with the opportunity to play baseball and softball, and we aren’t quite ready to give up on that yet.