PCA Events

Positive Coaching Alliance Events

Positive Coaching Alliance Events


Our first interactive workshop, titled “DOUBLE-GOAL COACH®” will be February 9, 2020 from 3pm – 5pm at the Austin Oaks Church.

Our Association has made a significant financial investment in these workshops.  This is an investment of the future of our organization, starting with our front line leaders and coaches, through our parents, and everybody involved.

This event is required for all badged Coaches from our 6U to 14U leagues, which will include the Head Coach, Priority Assistant, Assistant Coaches and Bench Coaches (any coach who normally requires a badge during the season).

This interactive workshop begins by defining the DOUBLE-GOAL COACH® as someone who strives to win and works to prepare his/her team to play at its highest level, and at the same time, teaches life lessons (teamwork, dedication, bouncing back from mistakes, etc.) to his/her players.

Upon course completion, each coach will be a certified DOUBLE-GOAL COACH®, equipped to pursue both winning and the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports.

RSVP Below.:

Frequently asked questions:

What happens if I have plans for February 9 and can’t attend?
We have alternative options available if you cannot attend this event. Please RSVP below and we will get back to you with the next steps.

Is the February 9 event required by all parents?
No, this event is just for Coaches that would normally have a badge during the season. 

Please make every effort to make this event.

What should I expect from this event?
We’ve had 1 coach already complete this course and said, “Hey Nolan, I completed the PCA course a few nights ago and was very pleasantly surprised and impressed with the curriculum. I expected a cheesy/check-the-box type of “training” but came away with a lot that I will use (focusing on effort, emphasis on learning/improvement/mastery over talent and “flushing” mistakes).”

Are Wee Ball Parents required to attend?
No.  Although not required, Wee Ball Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Parent Workshop, February 23 from 3-5pm at Austin Oaks Church.

This event is geared towards parents. We highly encourage your attendance at this workshop.

Everyone wants to win. That’s the first goal in sports. But in youth and high school sports there is a second, more important goal, teaching life lessons through sports. In this workshop, parents learn why and how to focus on that second goal. This workshop conveys the essence of the philosophy and several tips and tools parents can use to help their children get the most from youth and high school sports.

Save the date!

Teeball Division

Umpire Clinic

Umpire Clinic

Play Ball!

OHYSA is now recruiting umpires for the upcoming spring season. Come be a part of the game and help everyone enjoy the spirit of competition.

  • No prior experience is needed!
  • You must be at least 12 years old to start umpiring games.
  • Training and mentoring will be provided.
Umpire Clinics
  • Who: All new & returning baseball & softball umpires
  • When: Saturday, February 15 @ 12PM
  • Where:
    • Pinto field – for new umpires and those with less than ONE year (2 complete seasons) of experience
    • Bronco field – for umpires with over ONE year (2 complete seasons) of experience – bring a mask & glove
Contact the UIC at [email protected] for additional information.