Spring 2025
Click for Late Registration
Not all divisions have availability. Contact [email protected] if you have questions.
Scroll down for dates, pricing, and other important information
About Oak Hill
Oak Hill Youth Sports Association (OHYSA) is one of the largest youth baseball and softball organization in Austin, and has been serving the youth of southwest Austin and surrounding areas since 1967. We are a recreational league and all registered players “make” a team. In any given year, this means that 1,200+ boys and girls will be playing on roughly 100 teams!
Registration Begins with Early Bird Pricing January 1st
$285 per player in 6U and above. $135 per player for WeeBall. For families with multiple children playing in baseball and softball a sibling discount of $35 for each additional player is available. Use coupon code 2PLAYERS (for 2 players), 3PLAYERS (for 3 players) or 4PLAYERS (for 4 players) at checkout. Sibling discounts do not apply to WeeBall. Other discount pricing restrictions are stipulated in the Registration module.
For Spring 2025 playing age is based on the cut-off determination date of 4/30/2025 for baseball and weeball, and 12/31/2024 for softball. The player's age their division of play. For information about each division click the links above. For general information about our program visit the New to OHYSA page.
Early Bird Expired & Regular Pricing in Effect January 20th
$325 per player for Baseball and Softball, $150 per player for WeeBall. Sibling discounts can still be applied at checkout.
Assessments February 1st
Division commissioners will email with times and field locations. Assessments are used to create balance across the leagues and not as a tool to exclude participation. WeeBall and 6U Baseball do not participate in assessments, 6U Softball may have a limited assessment process. If you have any questions please contact your division commissioner directly.
Draft Week February 2nd - 8th
Practices can begin after draft for a division is completed. If you have not from your coach by 2/9/2025, contact your division commissioner directly. Once draft week begins a 50% refund policy is in effect.
Play It Again Sports Shop Days Entire Season
Save 10% off of your purchase at the S. Lamar location when you tell them you are from OHYSA at checkout. Good all season long.
- Academy Sports + Outdoors Shop Days February 7th - 9th
Use this coupon to receive 20% off of your purchase in-store (Sunset Valley and SE Austin locations) or online.
Dicks Sporting Goods Shop Days 1 February 21st - 24th
Coupon for discounted purchasing will be uploaded as soon as it is available.
Dicks Sporting Goods Shop Days 2 February 28th - March 3rd
OHYSA Annual Block Party February 28th
A night of community and team building, food, drinks, games and music.
Games Begin March 1st
WeeBall games play on Saturday mornings. Baseball and Softball are scheduled primarily on weeknights and Saturday, and occasionally on Sundays after 12PM.
Spring Break March 15th - 23rd
No games will be scheduled. Voluntary practices will be held at each coach's discretion.
Picture Day April 6th
Team and individual pictures will be scheduled for all players.
Easter Weekend April 19th - 20th
Facility closed to games and practices.
EOS Begins ~ May 1st
End of season tournaments begin for each division. Specific scheduling and dates will differ division to division.
New to OHYSA? Click Here
For detailed information about how playing age is determined, the structure of teams, and a general outline of a typical playing season.
Volunteer to coach! Click Here
As a fully volunteer organization, OHYSA is always interested in parents that want to help the children in our community.
Become a Sponsor CLICK HERE
Your sponsorship of OHYSA is tax-deductible and keeps kids on the field playing the sports they love.
Latest Oak Hill Parkway News
Construction Update December 18th
Temporary eastbound lanes of HWY 290 now bypass the complex. If you are coming from WEST of the Y in Oak Hill, you will need to take the temporary "Wm Cannon and Old Fred" exit, pass through the light at Wm Cannon and remain the far right lane. Traffic can ONLY enter the complex through the dedicated down ramp onto Joe Tanner. Please do not bypass or move the street closure signs at McCarty & Joe Tanner. All drivers should adhere to a one-way traffic pattern, keep all parts of their parked cars out of paved or unpaved roadways, obey any traffic or parking signs, and exit ONLY through the 290 gate opposite the Thunderdome batting cages. For more information on the Oak Hill Parkway Project visit https://www.txdot.gov/oakhillparkway
From MoPac exit William Cannon, head west about 1 mile and veer right onto McCarty Lane then turn right onto HWY 290 eastbound. Take your immediate next right onto the Joe Tanner down ramp and enter the complex.
On HWY 290 from the "Y" in Oak Hill head east and take the Wm Cannon exit, remaining on the access road. After passing Wm Cannon and McCarty Lane, take your immediate next right onto the Joe Tanner down ramp and enter the complex.
ON HWY 290 from MoPac head west towards Wm Cannon. The inside lane can make a u-turn as the highway passes underneath the elevated lane. Move to the right lane once have made the turn. After passing McCarty Lane, take your immediate next right onto the Joe Tanner down ramp and enter the complex.
Teaching youth values through sports
A league wide opportunity to improve in 2024 is the amount of litter throughout the park. To help curb trash, a new item that you will see at the fields this fall is recycling containers. We have an opportunity to teach our players to respect the park and ultimately leave the park in better condition than it was found. Help us keep Oak Hill clean!

Get in touch
6300 Joe Tanner Ln
Austin, TX 78749